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gun safety at homeIt is a sad fact that schools are no longer as safe as they should be. There has been a drastic increase in bullying and as it increases, so to have instances of gun violence within the schools. This has lead to a huge debate about how to decrease the risk to our children and increase the gun safety in schools. Do you have an opinion as most all other people do?

The Debate Takes Place

gun debateGun safety is something that we once associated with inside the home. Our focus was keeping guns locked away so that children wouldn’t have easy access to them. Now, because of the increase of school violence taking place, we are faced with a different kind of debate. Should teachers carry weapons to protect themselves and their students in the classroom? Is this enough to keep us safe or is there still something else that we could do to protect our children when they leave us each day? It is something that everyone is talking about and many people say that instead of giving teachers the right to carry guns, we should further restrict the availability of them.

Giving Teachers Protection

teachers carrying gunsTeachers are caregivers to our children for at least 180 days of the year. Their job is to teach our children and protect them from dangers. They are able to diagnose when a child does not feel well enough to be at school and can send them to the school nurse for issues that they may be having that day. They are also there with the children when violence breaks out. They have the ability to be in that classroom when someone walks in and starts firing random shots around the classroom. They can easily do it thanks to the fact that they can find the best rifle scope under 100 listed here: They may also be able to help out other classrooms who need it if something happens and the teacher is unable to protect the children.

Other, Safer Ways of Handling Gun Violence

There are numerous people who say that teachers and guns do not belong together. There are even people who point out that teachers carrying guns may increase the risk of gun violence in the schools. They would prefer to see fewer guns near the schools. They want to see an increase in school security. Security guards checking for weapons and more are all potential ideas. It is true, these things can help keep kids safe, but there is a risk of not all bad people being kept at bay and not all weapons being discovered before they walk through the school gates. Perhaps instead of a single option being the right one, we should figure out a way to combine all possible solutions to create one perfect plan. For instance, teachers may have access to a gun that is securely locked in a desk drawer and they should undergo therapy to ensure that having a gun in their hands is not risky, but there should also be security guards patrolling in and around the schools constantly. What do you think we should do?

toddler walkingOne of the hardest lessons that a child will learn is to balance. It is something that many of them do not achieve learning well enough to sit on their own for the first several months of their lives. Then it takes more practice for them to learn how to stand on two feet and eventually take those first few wobbly steps. It is even more challenging if you want your child to participate in sports or gymnastics where they must have a full understanding of balance. You can help them to learn by teaching kids balance in a fun way.

Why Balance Is Important

bike ridingBalance is something that is required for our bodies to move around. It is important for that toddler learning to walk and it is important for adults who have things to do. Without a good sense of balance, you wouldn’t be able to stand up, walk forward, or climb steps. You wouldn’t even be able to sit upright without it. It is also something that we must continue to use or as we age, we may lose the ability to keep our balance.

Balance and Sports or Gymnastics

puntingWhen you add in a love of sports, balance can become a very complex issue. Think of a football player who is punting the ball. If that player does not have a good sense of balance, he will not be able to kick the ball with one foot while standing on the other. A baseball player may not be able to swing or look up to catch a ball if he is feeling off center. A ballerina cannot twirl, a gymnast cannot flip, and even a golfer may not be able to assume the proper stance if he is unbalanced.

Teaching Balance Can Be Fun

balancing kidsWhen teaching your children to be better balanced and encourage them to constantly improve it, keeping it fun will be very important. There are some very fun techniques that you can use with your kids to teach them balance and about their center of gravity. One idea is a pillow path. You can encourage your child to walk across pillows that are laid out around your home. Some may be close together and others may be further apart. They may also be different shapes and sizes. Each step will be a challenge to your child, but it will be fun enough to keep them entertained for quite a while. Hopscotch is also a great way to teach balance since kids have to jump using one leg at times. The box balance game is a game that is similar to Twister, but instead of circles on a floor, your child will put their feet or hands into different colored boxes that have been taped together. As your child progresses in their abilities, you can upgrade from a garden hose “tightrope” to something that is higher off the ground or even purchase an electric standing scooter from Scooter Smarter. A self balancing board allows children to utilize their core for balance. Most importantly, this will be more than likely be seen as fun by children as opposed merely practice. By providing children an interactive way to hone their skills, they are more likely to spend more time doing so. No matter what type of activities you encourage your child to take part in, you are teaching them things that will make balancing easier.

electricityKids learn best by touching and having hands on experiences. However, when learning about electricity, there are not many “safe” activities that they can learn from. The exception to this rule is the very popular elementary and middle school experience of “Batteries & Bulbs”. This teaches how electricity works and now teachers can make the lesson more impressive by showing students a new take on batteries and bulbs.

What is Learned with Batteries and Bulbs

batteries and bulbsElectricity is something that is always fun to learn about, especially since teachers can go in a lot of different directions with their teachings. They are able to cover watts, volts, amps, and loads first and then move into discussing circuits and how the wires make it possible for electricity to flow from the battery and into the light. They can discuss metal and how it is often another way for electricity to travel. The lessons have to be easily understood by kids in that grade level, but as they learn or become more interested; it can go into even more aspects of electricity.

Getting Started

When you first mention electricity to your students, you may want to talk about the basics. How the watts are a measure of a power, the volts are the pushing force, and how amps in a battery or power supply are going to be the max amount of power that you can work with. From there, hold up a simple battery and point out that both positive and negatives are important because a circuit has to complete the loop that ends and begins with the battery. If you connect only one wire from the battery to the bulb, nothing happens, but a wire that makes a full circle causes the light bulb to glow. From there, you may choose to get into switches and how they make the circle complete. To do this, you can check out popular boat battery switches on to see how they work for yourself and discover which ones will help you teach the best. Ideally, the switch you choose will make it possible for kids to see how the circle “connects”.

Teaching Lessons for Life


By teaching kids about how electricity works, you are teaching them valuable lessons that they will use in their adult life. These lessons will be important when it comes to wiring a boat, tracing down wiring issues with their car, and finding out why their home’s outlets are turning colors. It will help them choose the right amperage for their batteries and run wires from their home to their driveway gates without hiring an electrician. The potentials for them to use it in their adult life are great, even if they do not choose to become electricians. It is a basic knowledge of how battery power travels and what happens when it gets to where its going and back again. It is something that everyone should have basic knowledge of and it all starts with “Batteries and Bulbs”.

Kinder MatWhen kids go to school, parents often worry that they will not be comfortable enough, especially those parents who are enrolling preschoolers into their first school. Nap times are often the most uncomfortable times because, in the past, kids have been required to lay on thin mats that are scattered around randomly. Isn’t it good to know that comfort in kindergarten and nursery school are both improving?

Schools and Napping

preschool napsChildren who are well rested are more able to learn. They are less cranky. They are better behaved. The list may go on and on. There are just so many benefits to having well rested children who get enough sleep each night and during the day. There are also a few cons as well. Often, kids lay down but they are unable to get comfortable enough for a short nap when they are at school. This can make them even more cranky and it can make it so that they do not learn as well as they would under normal circumstances. It can make them feel groggier instead of better. It can mean that the teacher does not get a break that they want and it may make them feel cranky themselves.

How Schools Are Helping

Preschools and nursery schools are both working to encourage better naps for all kids. Smaller children and toddlers have access to round baby cribs. They have good sized mattresses with a couple inches of padding to ensure their total comfort.

Kindergartens are not able to have cribs for comfort, but they are using thicker carpets in areas where naps are taken. This means there is more padding on the floors under the kinder mats. It ensures they get the relaxation that they need and then when they come home, they have learned the things that they should have during the day and you will have a happy child at home.

Parents Can Also Relax

nappingParents spend a lot of time worrying about a lot of things. How comfortable kids are when they are at school, should not have to be one of them. Taking care of kids at home is easy compared to what teachers have to deal with when they have a class full. Take a break and feel confident that teachers have it under control. They have everything that they need to ensure that your kids are safe and now they are also making them very comfortable. They can get one of the two recommended naps that they should have each day. This will ensure that they do not fall asleep on the bus on the way home and it will ensure that when they get home, you will have no issues trying to get them to talk about their day, show you what they learned, and more. What more could you hope for?

butterfly gardenChildren love to learn and they have a more successful learning experience when they can take a “hands-on” approach to it. For this reason, schools have always taken children on trips throughout the year. Some of them may be for more fun than learning if it is a reward of some sort for doing things well throughout the year. Others, though, are to provide them with something that is both fun and educational. Ideally, it will tie in with a lesson that they are learning at the time because that will make it the ultimate school trip for all students.

What Can Be Learned from a Field Trip?

Police station field tripThe learning experience that can be gained from a field trip is unimaginable. Most all destinations can teach a child science, art, language, math, and other subjects. The educational value will depend on where you are going on the field trip. For instance, if you take a trip to a butterfly garden, you will learn about nature and plants. This is a great science lesson for most elementary aged children. Whereas a trip to an art museum may be better suited to older students who are taking art and can appreciate the things they see.

Popular Field Trip Destinations

Butterfly gardens and museums of all types are great places to visit for schools, but it doesn’t have to end with those two places. A recycling center, the zoo, an aquarium, a planetarium, and other similar places are very popular. Many teachers like to take young students to fire stations and police stations to talk about careers and community helpers. They may also take a trip to a farm to learn about produce or animals.

There may also be times that a school will visit an area just because it is local to their area. For instance, a school that is located along the coast may take a field trip to a pier or the beach to learn about different types of fish or wildlife that may be found there. If you live in Florida, you may take a trip to a place like the Crystal River State Archaeological Site, where kids can learn about fossils and how to dig for unique treasures to see what they can find. In an area where people use to go mining for gold, this can also be a field trip that the school takes since students can learn about mining and history.

Parents Can Plan Trips Also

fossil field tripsAs a parent, you can take advantage of many of the same field trips, even without the school. It can still be a great learning experience for your child. Even if you cannot venture to field trip destinations, the ultimate field trip may be a trip to a local river where you talk to your child about the fish, rocks, tide changes, or anything else that applies to that river, or that area. You could even talk about the Indians that used to call that area home and how they traveled on canoes through that river if it applies to that area. With a little creativity, learning can happen anywhere. Where you will go with your child and what will you teach them about?


school kidsStudents of all ages have a world of knowledge that is well within their reach if they attend one of the top schools in Washington. It is because of a program, the WLS Destiny, which is a money saver for schools who want to provide more to their students. If your school district is not already involved with the WLS, parents need to ask why because it mostly helps schools save big on computers or tablets for their school.

Why Washington Schools Are Best

students studyingAs a parent, you have kids in school. You want the best for your children and all others that you know. In Washington, it is easy and it really does not matter where you are located. Even kids from lower income districts can still enjoy learning success and fun if the school chooses to be a part of the WLS Destiny program. It is available because all kids deserve it, especially those who may have a curious mind, but not the ability to focus on a teacher’s lectures. The WLS makes it possible for Washington schools to be a step above all other schools.


students with computersSchools are not very profitable, but there are teachers that must be paid and supplies that need to be purchased. The supplies can put a damper on a school’s financial stability unless they are able to find discounts. The WLS helps with discounts to schools that purchase certain things through them so that the school can afford more than ever before. It is something that benefits the school, the teachers, and the students in more ways than most parents can imagine it will.

students learnLearning is very important to the future success of our children. For that reason, the Washington Learning Source Destiny was created. It is a program that ensures all of the children in Washington have equality in their education. It is a program that provides products and services that will meet the needs of everyone in the school system.

The Beginning

students with technologyThis program has been in effect for many years and has continued to provide services to school districts that need them the most. This is done through resources from several regional programs and the overall goal is to provide services that can economically benefit the schools so that they can provide the quality of education that will make the most difference for students.

What It Does for Students

students learningStudents of all ages are able to benefit from the financial resources that are made possible. These improvements may include more textbooks or computers for a school, more teachers, or more buses. It is whatever a particular school needs to maintain the level of education that students and parents expect. It is free for new memberships and allows schools to purchase products at lower prices than they could normally find them. It also enables schools to find new resources and tools that will improve their ability to teach. What could be better?